Friday, December 18

Run and Be Thankful

So, after waking up a 4:45 this morning and not being able to fall back to sleep, I figured I should seize my unsleepy state to get the things done that I know I will not feel like doing later when I am running and writing. This is my second blog post of the day. I was feeling antsy this morning, so I wrote a blog earlier and then went out, got a coffee in the frigid, FRIGID 15 degree morning and went to the gym to run.

So now that I've run, wrote and am coffeed I am feeling more grateful and peaceful.

I am thankful for:

- my ability to run. plain and simple. not everyone can.
-the smiles on my children's faces this morning.
-the fact that Ava is pooping in the toilet and sleeping through the night without a diaper, and the money we'll save because of it!
-the fact that we are getting normal nights sleep, most nights, finally!
-the sacrifices our military are making, including my wonderful brother in law, away from their families, especially at the holidays, for our freedom and for a hopefully better world.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's not everyday you find a stay at home mom who loves to write AND work out. It's like we're twins. :)

    Congrats on the successful potty training thing. I've got one more to go and I'll be done with diapers and pull ups forEVER!

    Have a blessed weekend, my friend.


  2. Hello!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I see Sandy from God's Speaks Today left you a comment, too. I love her....follow her blog...she is pretty amazing :) SUCH a fabulous blogger!

    Yes! My husband did play football at OSU...he graduated a couple of years ago. And yes! He knows Tyson! He saw him about a month ago actually - at a friends house :) My hubby thinks the world of him. He is a very special young man. What a small world!

    Congrats on the potty training thing! I know what a wonderful thing it is when your child FINALLY gets out of diapers/pull-ups! You are right Mama....those things are expensive and you will save a lot now that your little one doesn't need them anymore! Oh, happy day!

    Again, thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a wonderful weekend...gearing up for Christmas and all!

    Kate )

  3. Your posts always seem to make me laugh and tear-up at the same time!


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