Monday, January 25

The Crazy Hazy Blogosphere!

I have decided tonight that I am completely overwhelmed by the world o' blogs.


Because I just spent an hour and a half blog hopping from one site to another and another and another and another....instead of spending time writing original content of my own, reading my book for book club, or even, dare I say, cleaning my house! Oi! It's worse than Facebook!

I love that I have started this blog. It has been a great outlet for my mommy angst and it also helps me to laugh at myself...and perhaps that is as simple as it needs to be. The thing is, you start blog hopping, and realize that there is this major popularity contest going on out there-- there are buttons, and giveaways and blogrolls and fan pages, and followers, and beautiful web designs, and...oh, my head spins just thinking about it.

Here is the thing-- I'm not out to win any popularity contests, but somewhere along the line I'd like to pick up a few readers. I mean yes, writers write for themselves, but they also write as a means of communicating with others, a way of connecting with others. At the end of the day my desire is to connect with others through this site and my stories; to encourage other moms merely through sharing our common experiences.

So, if you happen to stop by in the next couple of months and actually read this post, leave me a comment so that I know I'm not little space in the blogosphere will not be flashing with neon signs or Vegas like billboards, it's a quieter space, on a quieter street-- the kind of place I like to retreat to after the girls have gone to bed and my thoughts re-enter my head. I hope, in time, it is the kind of place where a mom, or woman can stop, take a breath and feel rejuvenated by some word spoken, some verse  written, or some experience shared...

Here is to quieter spaces and places in a world of stimulation overload-



  1. I love your posts! Thanks for sharing! :) You're not alone.

  2. Hi!!!!
    Thanks so much for coming by my blog and leaving me a comment! How nice it is to "meet" you...a fellow SAHM and writer. :)

    I enjoyed looking around your blog yesterday...but I didn't get to leave you any comments. I wanted to be sure to swing back by this morning. :)

    Yes...the blogging world can be a crazy mixed up place. I LOVE having the outlet, but it has so many pitfalls...the time it can take up, the whole popularity contest thing, worrying about how many comments you do or don't get. I kind of go back and forth with how much I actually blog. I have to take breaks when I can tell it is messing with me a bit too much. :)

    But I really have met some wonderful women! And blogging is what actually led to me even trying to get an article published. P31 Woman is the only place I have been published...two articles with them. I don't know where I'm gonna go with writing from here. Just praying and writing for now. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Blessings! :)


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