Wednesday, July 14

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Busy Busy Summertime

My only excuse for blogging less frequently is that it is summertime, which translates to longer days and more time outside. For us it has also translated into busy, busy, busyness as well! Here is a rundown of our weekends since Memorial Day...

Memorial Day Weekend: ran the 1/2 marathon, also Scott's dad's birthday weekend which meant LOTS of family in town and family events

June 4th: A wedding in MA and Ava's b-day- we traveled to Massachusetts to visit friends, attend a wedding and celebrated Ava's b-day while we were there!

June 12th: For the benefit of Ava and our family we host a rather larger b-day party for Ava at our house...Children included I think there were close to 30 people at our, but crazy!

June 18th: Friday we run a 5k race, Saturday we go out to dinner with Scott's family, Sunday is father's day and my b-day...we attempt to celebrate it all! Friends of ours also pass through from MA to Ohio and spend the night on Sunday.

We spend most of the week afterwards trying to have birthday celebrations that didn't happen over the weekend...Scott makes me dinner, I make him dinner for his birthday the following Thursday (the 24th!)

June 25th: I spend one night away for a MOPS leadership retreat. On Sunday I begin to get Ava ready for a trip to NJ with Scott. Scott and Ava spend the 28th-2nd in NJ and I'm home with Ella. Easier...but lonely!

July 3-4th: Sat night my family comes over for dinner and we go see fireworks, Sunday we run a 10K in the a.m., take naps, pack the girls up and take them up to Canada to meet up with Scott's family for dinner.

July 9-11: I get sick on Friday, and spend the weekend cleaning the house...Other friends come through from MI back to MA on Monday the 12th...

July I am wondering where the last six weeks have gone and why I feel like I haven't had time to blog or fold laundry!!! In between all of the listed items I have also been taking the girls to swim lessons, trying to keep up consistent work-outs and just the day to day life stuff...

I have enjoyed all of the festivities but am ready to relax for a couple of weeks! Perhaps I'll say more about that later...since it's an "almost" wordless Wed. here are a few pics to enjoy for now....

(Our first attempt at a pinata at Ava's party...we'll do one with pull-strings next time!)

(food for Ava's party!)

(Ella, Ella, Ella...I say that a LOT these days!)

(Ava's b-day cake...Nancy (my mother in law) was here to decorate it! I had good intentions, but it would NOT have turned out so nicely had I decorated it! All I can take credit for here is the baking! Thanks Nance!)

(the girls at one of many dinners...)

(blueberry picking)

(I have LOTS of frozen blueberries! Yummy!)

Pics of our garden...growing scallions, beets, plum tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, green beans, zuchinni and basil...for all of those who think you must have a green thumb to garden...I am a testament that you do not! It's a lot of fun and I think everyone should at the very least have fresh tomatoes durning the summer! 

tomatoes and scallions


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