Monday, August 16

An Act of Laundry Defiance

Since I just had a "not me" moment and realized it was Monday I figured it was meant to be that I join the Not Me! Monday blog carnival ( hosted by McMamma-click here for more!).

So this is how the "not me" moment began...

Well, it actually began weeks ago when I started hitting up garage sales and end of summer consignment shop clearance sales in search of items that, while they may have technically been summer merchandise, would be appropriate for my growing girls come fall, i.e.: sweaters, pants, jeans, etc.

I had gathered several piles of clothing; one in 18-24 mos. and another in 4T. It has been sitting in our spare bedroom where I sort laundry just waiting to be tended; it has been staring and looming at me, in addition to all of the "normal" laundry. Here is where the "not me" part starts...because I would NEVER do anything like this!

Since I ALWAYS wash things from the store before dressing my children in them (wink. wink.) I would never decide to just throw all of those gently used clothing pieces from complete strangers into a laundry basket and whisk said laundry basket down to the basement for a bit of a non-traditional laundry treatment.

Furthermore I would NEVER decide that it would be a completely ridiculous waste of my time to launder all of those clothes before my children were to wear them based on the very known fact that they are going to dirty them all within miliseconds of putting them on and I would be washing them soon enough anyway.

I would never then throw all of those said clothing items into my dryer, with not one but TWO dryers sheets in an effort to reduce the smell of attic and consignment store.

AND, I would certainly never pull said clothes out of the dryer, sniffing them and agreeing they smelled enough better than they had before that they were perfectly acceptable to hang in my children's closets and await fall.

Because I would never do any of this I certainly DID NOT hear voices in my head, namely my husbands and my mother-in-laws, screaming "OMG. LISA. That's DISGUSTING!"

And lastly, because I would never do any of this, will not feel obliged to tell ANYBODY which clothing pieces they are!

So...if you happen to see my children in early fall, and catch a whiff of "attic" or "consignment shop" you can rest assured it is NOT coming from my lovely children because their mother would NEVER do such a take your littler sniffers elsewhere and let's all get on with life!!!

He. He. He.

(p.s. perhaps if I had a gorgeous looking backyard and clothing line like the one pictured here I could have considered "not" just hanging them outside instead!)

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