Saturday, June 4

My Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday my sweet girl
I was blessed enormously when God placed you in this world
Your smile, it brightens all of our days
Your enthusiasm helps us discover life in new ways
I look forward to experiencing more of life as you grow
Mommy and Daddy love you oodles and oodles, 
                                          something we hope you will always, always know....

Happy 4th Birthday! 

Our "princess" opening her new camera (in hopes that she doesn't steal my i-phone to take pictures, but her new camera!)

 (the new photographer at work!)

Discovering her affinity for the monkey bars over the last couple of weeks...

...led Daddy to a late night project (Scott added monkey bars to our swing set) that was enthusiastically discovered this morning!

3 of 9 balloons on the ceiling!! If you didn't know this all ready the Dollar Store is the BEST place to get helium balloons for your kids guessed it...$1 each! (I asked the lady the first time I bought them there..."So how much are the balloons?" She looked at me like I was an idiot...

Ava's pinata for her "pre" birthday party. We had two for her kid friends yesterday- for which she requested grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup in styrofoam cups (to drink the soup out of instead of using a spoon!)-- and our family birthday party will be this evening...

Our birthday friend...the kid party wound up taking on a bit of ladybug theme after fining this pinata at Party City. 

Gift bags!

Hard to see, but Ella has a ladybug tattoo on one leg and a bumble bee on the other...of all of the "activities" I planned (a craft, a lady bug themed game, tattoos) the only thing we got to were the tattoos because the kids wanted to play outside!

Each child pulled one string at first and then we had them all gather around the pinata, hold a string, count to 3 and pull all was pretty exciting, I must say. 

My husband's execution...pretty cute if you ask me! 

(I wanted ladybugs and flowers...Ava wanted princess candies...we improvised and used a little bit of everything...she LOVED it.)

Thanks for turning 4 Ava... mommy has discovered that she LOVES having kid birthday parties. They are so much more darned fun! 


  1. These are precious moments, Lisa! I asked a lady at the Dollar store the other day how much for the balloons and she looked at me like I was an idiot, too! Yea for being idiots together! (I'm glad I'm not the only one) Looks like Ava had a great bday! I love the pic of her on the monkey bars. You captured that at just the right moment. Keep up the good work, Momma!
    --Mandy Priore

  2. Awww, so sweet! My mom always made my birthdays so special too and I'll never, ever forget any of them! She's lucky to have such wonderful parents. So sorry I missed this :( but I got the job that I stayed back for!

  3. Looks like a great party and cake!


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