Wednesday, July 18

Whatever Wednesdays-- A New Link Up!

Today is the day we start a new link up called Whatever Wednesdays...I hope you'll join in the fun!

Here's the story... I love a little link love, the kind where we can all link-up together and just pop around from blog to blog. I figured there are so many topic specific link-ups that instead of adding any pressure (I'm ALL about reducing pressure in your busy mothering lives!),  I'd just open up this space to a WHATEVER YOU WANT link up, as long as it's loosely connected in some way to parenting,  (wacky pictures of your kids count!), creating a great family culture at home, and/or living your best life as a parent and how that looks in a broad range of people's lives.

Seriously, no pressure on the content. When I say it needs to be loosely connected to one of those things I just mean I'm not looking for posts about how to write stellar science fiction, or an in depth synopsis on fixing your garbage disposal...sorry, we're just not those kinds of women here!

We'll do this every week and see how far we get. I look forward to "meeting" many of you. Also, as a curtesy, please pop over to at least one other person's blog (from the link-up) and leave them a comment!

Without further adieu, I'm simply going to post a few pictures of my 3 year old here...

She is the QUEEN of WHATEVER. You might think that makes it sound like she is incredibly easy going...and in some ways that might be true, but in other ways she is INCREDIBLY stubborn! So sometimes the "WHATEVER" may mean she'll go along with whatever.

At other times...

 ...We might have a conversation that sounds like this...

"Ella, a tutu is not the best option for the playground. It is dirty there. I would think some shorts and a t-shirt would be better for you to play in."

She may not actually say it, but she gives me a look that says, "WHATEVER Mom."

And I know, that while some things are worthy of pushing further on...some things are not worth the battle.

So I, in return, internally sigh and say..."Whatever..." and we all mosey on our merry way to the playground where Ella climbs slides and runs through dirt like a zoo animal donned in pink tulle.

Here is my strong-willed, incredibly confident 3 year old...

"Ella, you have chocolate on your forehead..." I say
"So?!" she asks. 

"Ella, there might be a pair of shorts upstairs that matches your shirt a bit better. Do you want me to look?"

"Alright, if you don't want to change can I take your picture?!"
She turns and smiles....I simply say..."Whatever..."

And this, one of the most laughable moments at Disney..."Ella, look at you have a smile?"
No response...simply silence. When Ella is not being the Queen of "Whatever" she is the QUEEN of holding the world's longest pout!

Looking forward to reading your posts! Feel free to play on the word "Whatever" in whatever way comes to you or just link-up WHATEVER post you'd like from this recent post (or week to come!). 


  1. Hi Lisa!

    Wow, I'm you FIRST linky! And it just so happens that I'm starting a series on Legacy, so I think that's loosely (or tightly) connected to parenting!

    Loved reading about your 3 year old. I had one once, but she's now 20 :) Enjoy those days!!

    Hugs from VA!

    1. Susan, now that my oldest is heading off to kindergarden I'm beginning to see how quickly that can happen! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Thanks Lisa! This is going to be fun:)


  3. So glad I found your blog! It cheered me up! Thanks for the Link Up!

    1. Haha! I try... I find that laughing at myself helps to cheer me up too!

  4. Thanks Lisa! I found you on the Better Writers page on fb. I'm linking up today as a proud mamma! I refer back to my daughter's post on a recent movie. My daughter is grown and married and expecting her first baby and I am so very proud of the wise and godly young woman she has become. Thanks for the link up!!

    1. Thanks Gay...You are at the stage when you get to remind us that this is all worthwhile! Congrats on your new grandchild!

    2. It is most definitely worthwhile!! I love encouraging young mom's! Thanks!

  5. I linked up about my fitness goals after having a baby! Today I did my first run post-pregnancy. Thanks for creating the link-up! How fun :)

  6. well...didn't get it done before midnight...but I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still wednesday to me! My post is called "What kind of animal are you?" It's about personality styles and how understanding them can help us understand our kids better. :)

    1. I always smile when a) I see your post, but b) I see the time of your posts!!! It makes me feel loved!! Great writing group last night!!!


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