Thursday, November 22

Holiday Hiatus

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

It's 10:30 p.m....My belly is still full, the kids are asleep, Scott is trying to figure out why only half of our extra large outdoor wreath is lighting up and watching the last of Thanksgiving day football on television. It's been a good day. A busy day. We've been watching parades, making pies, cleaning bedrooms, squeezing in pre-turkey eating workouts and many other minor details and kid management moments. 

So as the day winds down and this pregnant momma gets ready to find her way to bed I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving.  I hope yours was joyful and blessed and full of good food and smiles. I’ve decided to take a holiday blogging hiatus, so this will be my last post for a while. I'm going to spend the next few weeks reading some books I've wanted to read, focusing on my Christmas shopping and preparations and mostly just spending some extra time focusing on the girls, the house and enjoying the Christmas season together. 

I'll leave you with a few photos of our Thanksgiving crafts and preparations...

Ella's preschool turkey creation #1

preschool turkey creation #2

our favorite t-shirt the last 3 weeks

LOVE seasonal foam crafts from Michaels!

Our "Thankfulness" ribbon strung across the kitchen window/doorway

We tried to add leaves to this during dinner as many nights as possible...we'll probably continue for another week or so, just to fill it in! 

Happy Thanksgiving. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year...I'll be back in early 2013! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Lis! Enjoy your break with your family, books, and sounds wonderful.


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