Saturday, November 16

Five Minute Friday: Tree


On mornings when I've awoken at least a few minutes before the little ones, I quietly tip toe downstairs, find a warm blanket and curl up into an old corduroy chair in our living room. I spend the few minutes I have saying a prayer or reading a verse from a devotional or my Bible, and write a note or two in my journal. These moments are anchors in my day.

I love that time.

However, the quiet, uninterrupted thoughts are far and few between these days. As a matter of fact, the moments in that chair are far and few between as we've found ourselves in the midst of a season of sleepless nights; a baby nursing, older children with ear infections and bad dreams that require tender hugs afterwards. I don't mean to grumble, but it's feeling like a L-O-N-G time since a solid night of sleep has allowed me to be refreshed in the morning hours.

I'm a tired momma lately.

A tired momma who is clinging to the reality that this is a season...

And from the chair, when I make it there, there is a tall tree that can be clearly seen through the windows at the back of our living room. I've watched that tree in morning hours...on snowy days, and rainy days, sunny days and windy days. I've watched that tree brave the elements of all of its seasons.

I've watched it tilt and bend in the wake of strong gusts and blossom and sit still and strong. I've watched the leaves come and go, change from buds to barren, from green to golden.

I often watch that tree and am reminded of the verse is the Psalms... (She) is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all (she) does she prospers (Psalm 1:3). 

I am reminded that every season is part of a bigger picture.  That no matter what season we are in, if we root ourselves in Christ, we posses a strength and a nourishment that gives life to our daily details in every season of our lives.

This post is part the 5 Minute Friday link up. To join in the fun check out Lisa-Jo's blog here!


  1. Wonderful post. Oh yes, I remember waking up one day while raising my little ones and realizing I actually felt rested. The nursing, the sicknesses...they can be wearying. And I know it's tempting to wish it away at times, but I'm on the other side now. All kids are out of our home on their own with one left in college. I can tell you...I miss my kids! Praying you will find peace in the midst of the chaos. Blessings!

  2. That's a really lovely reminder. And remembering Psalm 1 is a great perspective! So in the tired-momma-season alongside you - and thankful for those quiet moments when we can draw strength from Him.


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