Wednesday, May 14

Prayers for the Sauer Family

Sometimes there are no words...

And yet, sometimes all we have is our words.

Feeble, inadequate words to express sympathies that make our guts wretch and our hearts cry. Words  written to a family that is walking  a road that no young family should have to walk.  A mom and a dad enduring things no parent should have to endure.

Tonight it feels as if all of Western New York is mourning the loss of one of the sweetest, most cherubic faced little boys I have ever encountered.  We are mourning with a family so vibrant, so firm in their faith that they, along with their sweet son, have inspired an entire community to pray with them. To laugh with them. To weep with them.

We were all hoping and praying for a big miracle. Praying and praying and praying that he would be healed here.

We now pray that God would surround the family in an incredibly big way with peace, comfort and strength that surpasses all understanding.

Hearing of Ben's passing today leaves me with so many questions...questions that may never be answered this side of heaven.

Why? Why? Why?

Why this little boy?

Why couldn't he be healed?

Why must a mom and a dad and a brother and a sister be forced to say goodbye long before they should have to?


And how?

How do they say goodbye?

How do they go on with day to day life?

How can one even imagine going to the grocery store or washing a shred of clothing when your heart is shattered into a million little pieces?

How on this earth does one knit a million little pieces together again?

I am so incredibly sad for Mindy and Andy Sauer. I am so heartbroken for his siblings,  Megan and Jack.

And I pray, that while I cannot understand any of this, or how their hearts can possibly be mended back together again, my faith compels me to believe that God is holding them, and their shattered hearts in the palm of his hand.

God is weeping with them.

Tonight, and for many days and weeks to come, we will mourn with the Sauer family and weep with them over the loss of a little boy who lit up a room with his smile.

We weep with this family and their little boy who inspired an entire community to love more deeply, believe more passionately and never, ever lose faith, no matter how hard life is.

We also know that Ben is healed, fully, and with his heavenly father. A heavenly father who restores all things.

My most heartfelt and deepest sympathies go out to the Sauer family. Thank you for allowing us to walk this road with you. For sharing your incredible words and stories with us, even in your hardest moments. May you be strengthened by the thousands who continue to pray for you.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

From WGRZ...

And his families website...

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