Sunday, February 7

Feeling Good

Today was one of those days where I just felt really good about everything. I don't know why...I blame everything else on hormones, so probably that is the case here as well...I mean seriously, I have like 6-8 days a month where I'm just down to the world about everything-- I have NO energy and I'm just downright crabby. I have about the same number of days where I am riding high, on top of the world and EVERYTHING seems just fine... I love my house, I'm content with my life, I even like my body and clothes! 

All of the other days, the other 14-18, it's combo of the two... life is just mediocre and depending on what is going on it could get really good or really bad...But today I had a lot of fun. I took Ava out with me to run three hours of errands earlier today and I was bracing for it to be a total mess, but she was really good, and cute and funny. I think she's just so glad to not have to compete with her sister sometimes that she tones down the whining and the craziness. 

We went to Marshall's where she just sat in a car seat that she found on the floor in the kids section and read books while I looked through things nearby, then we went to Party City, and then onto the mall where we hit up Sears (bought a stuffed Pooh bear from Ava to Ella for her birthday), Old Navy, the Gap, had some chicken teriyaki in the food court and then over to Pottery Barn Kids. In between we road several elevators and escalators, got free chocolate samples and saw an endangered owl at a booth set up by a local land preservation society. 

Maybe it's that Ava is getting older and we an do more together, or maybe it is that I bribed her with lollipops to sit in the stroller, whatever the case, she had fun and so did I...

I even had a moment tonight where I thought, "I definitely need to have a third child at some point.."

Whoa. I know. A dangerous thought to think. After all, that thought and a couple of glasses of wine is what led to Ella in the first place!!

Although I think I'm in over my head enough right now to hold out until Ava is in school...and besides I'm SOOO not ready to be preggo again...can't baby making be more like a chia just add water and it grows? 

I'd like to avoid the stretch marks, and the itchy belly, and the potoato salad cravings again...they don't really do great things for my body in the long run...

All that to say, I've come to just enjoy the good days. I've come to just let myself be in the moment and enjoy the bliss...I know the euphoria won't last forever, really good moods tend to dissipate, just as really bad moods do, but I'll take them for what they are and enjoy them while they last...

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